This year may be the year that lives in infamy. From COVID to the most tumultuous Presidential Election that I’ve ever lived through, some of you may not even WANT to vote! But early voting begins tomorrow (Monday, October 26) in Charles County and you may want to take a look at our survey results before you head to the polls.

As an affiliate of MDRTL, a 501(c)3, we are allowed to engage in education and legislative actions related to our mission. We cannot endorse candidates as we are not a Political Action Committee (PAC). Therefore, we are exercising our right to educate the electorate on what the candidates running in Charles County have self-reported concerning their views on abortion, euthanasia/PAS, and other related issues to protecting life.

We did not poll the presidential candidates. If you would like guidance from National Right to Life, you may find it  at this link.

Only the Republican candidates for Circuit Court Judge and MD Congressional District 5 responded to our surveys. Their answers, along with the original questions, are listed below. It is most often true that when a candidate does not answer our survey, it is because they do not agree with the mission of our organization.

​Please SHARE our link on Social Media and with your personal contacts so that they are able to make informed choices at the Polls this week and next!

Reach Out Today